A Note From Our Pastor

In John 13:35-36 Jesus, after he washes his disciples’ feet and foretells his impending death, says this: “Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” 

In his final moments, Jesus acted with great humility and love. He forgave his betrayers before they even betrayed him. He extended grace to them before they even knew they needed it. 

 Loving others as Jesus has loved us, being disciples who disciple, extending God’s all-encompassing grace to all people, all while following as faithfully as we can the calling that God in Christ through the ever-present ministry of the Holy Spirit has placed upon our lives – this is what we are about, here, at Piney Grove Methodist Church. 

In Christ,

Parker Coppock